
This is the Join page. Comment and answer the questions below to join the -={1.0}=- clan.

Scroll to the very bottom of page to answer questions please.

1. What’s your name for Star Wars Battlefront?

2. How long have you been playing?

3. Which 1.0 clan are you from?

4. What’s the best score you can ever remember getting?

5. 2 + 2 = ?

Comment below to join.

Here is an explanation of our terms.

1. NS: “Nice shot”

2. GS: “Good shot”

3. TY: “Thank you”

4. NP: “No problem”

5. BTW:  ”By the way”

6. IDK: “I don’t know”

7. IDC:  ”I don’t care”

12 Responses

  1. 1. Immortal Anyder
    2. 2 Years u huso
    3. ~}PRO{~LEADER.Anyder*
    4. Hmm i can just pwn in SWBF, lo, its some kind of sickness |
    5. 2 + 2 = -.- fuck math, im on holidays

    I just wanna join for ICW3 matches. Ive quit UEF from participant clan, and im giving u the map we have and if u want, to play the match of today.

  2. 1. “SkyBoss”.
    2. I’m playing since 2004, but i make some break, so i think i played 7 years.
    3. I’m from METAL clan, it was the biggest french clan of 1.0. Next i join NJ, and PRO.
    4. Something like 120/31 in warclan.

  3. 1 ~}PRO{~ExpATST8
    2 in pro 2 years and bevore
    3 ~}PRO{~ clan
    4 now 0+0=0

  4. dabba
    since 2010 in pro since 2011
    about 40(with a bunch of russians XD)

  5. 1.)Mac
    2.)Iv been playing swbf single player for many years and started playing online a year ago
    4.)i dunno maybe 35 or something
    5.)4 wait yes 4

  6. 1. my name? i got many; Gen.Hond{snp}, BOB.Ldr.Phantom, A.T. JediJed, [FC]Rage,.. those are some of my names.
    but i wish i was Klexmer, then i could suck my own dick! muhaha
    2. since 2009 online. before i only played with myself, also fun.
    3. ~}PRO{~ clan
    4. my best score was in the 1v1 vs hond xD nah kidding
    5. wtf is wrong with you all? it obviously is :

  7. 1. Klexmer, Klex, Jeezus or Brian, but mostly Klexmer
    2. Since February 2011, but I played in multiplayer around October 2011 I think
    3. ~}PRO{~ clan
    4. Same score as Chuck Norris
    5. This operation has so many issues that I won’t answer to this question.

  8. 1.Kaiser
    3.? too good
    4. not anderstand =

  9. hello hello! super exited about this, glad you guys made this happen!
    anyway, my name is anime, i have been playing about 3 1/2 years now, i am from snp, best score was around 120, honestly when i first joined snp i thought the question was, “5X2+2+?, so i almost answered 12 XD

  10. “Yo Homies I want to join 1.0 and REPRESENT!”
    Answers to your silly questions! (Anybody notice this site has only been up for today and I noticed it? I AM TELEPATHIC! Or I frequent most of your sites.)
    1.) Dark_Phantom aka BOB.ldr.Phantom
    2.) Well, lets see… PS2 in 2004, PC in 2006 although I stopped in 2007 for 2 years and then came back in 2009 and played 1.0 since…
    3.) Well… umm… this is a tough question… it’s a pretty common name… he was British… I remember I used to be in {WAR} but the name of my current clan is eluding me… oh WAIT! BOB
    4.) Online? A lot. Offline? I figured out the stupid game resets after like 300 or something like that and I had something like 150 after that so… we’ll say like 500 kills to like 10 deaths. Yes, I’m that good. Or I played Helm’s Deep mod and played till I lost.
    5.) Seriously. Everyone in the world (EXCEPT SAMMY) knows the answer is 4. Sammy (for some odd reason) thinks it’s approximately 2200000000000000004000000000000000022 (give or take a couple hundred million). Or his 0 button was acting up. I don’t know which one.

    In September (barring some comeback from Gamespy/Openspy so that it can be earlier), I will be active ingame again. I still play SP regularly and mod often. So let’s say I’ll not be in form but I won’t be bad either…

  11. 1 Hond
    2 Since 2010
    3 {snp} WOOT
    4. A good Score
    5 2+2=4

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