ICW3 Update 2

The decision has been made. The Head Oven has already put out the verdicts for week 4.  And so far here is what has changed since.

1.0 defends Russia without being penalized

1.0 takes Kamino without any arguement

212 takes Harbor without being penalized

YAK defends Eddies Kastel

YAK takes Mos Eisly from Natives

Penalties have been given out for week 5 have been awarded to Nico and Rage.

Rage’s penalty: He earned a penalty for switching sides and stealing a tank during the harbor match with 212 thinking a jet stole one of the CIS tanks. He didn’t tell any admin of his doings until after the match. He admits and is suspended for week 5.

Nico’s penalty: Oven found it fair since Nico has been in past games not to be a jet but he still continued for the beginning of the game being a jet after being told not to. He is suspended for week 5. (Don’t be a jet because they are very picky on this stuff)

Week 5 has been moved to the next weekend instead of this weekend. So please take a nice relaxing break from this game and go outside while its slightly still summer.

If your curious about the scoring of the planets here they are.

1.0 has 7 planets (tied with first)

212 has 4 planets

YAK has 7 planets (tied with first)

Eddies Kastel was a close match which was 6-0 in the end.

Eddies Kastel will be a replaced map since it sucks and will be switched most likely with Hoth Caves.

YAK/212/1.0 have kicked Majesty out of the ICW3 for insulting players in game. Because he/she/it is a fat tranny hippo who likes to pretend ITS a 11 year old girl trolling people in game.

The Head Admin Oven has requested 212 and 1.0 to create rosters of each of our clans. People can be added on to these as the ICW3 continues. We will be creating one of our own to soon post on SWBFGAMERS. As well as 212 must do. (YAK already has their roster posted)


2 Responses

  1. well nice to see we are doing good!


    I’ll wait for winter, thank you very much x_x

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